Dynamic Legs and Core Workout

Today’s workout combines five exercises each from Mark Lauren’s You Are Your Own Gym (YAYOG) and the Accelerated Series Core Workout from Tony Horton Fitness (THF).  With multi-dimensional, full-body moves, it is designed to get all of your joints moving and rock all four sides of the core.  Move from one exercise to the next without rest, and you’ll get an intense cardio workout as well — both aerobic and anaerobic.

Warmup – At 48 years of age, I need a good 8 minutes to warm up before working out in the morning.

  1. Dynamic squats – 20 reps (unweighted):  In a sumo squat position, lower until legs are parallel to the floor.  Leap up in the air, bring legs together, land and sink into a squat position again.  Leap up from that position and spread legs apart to land back in the sumo position.  (YAYOG)
  2. Scissor ball – 10-12 reps:  From a tuck position on your back, roll into a yoga “boat” pose with scissored legs (one leg up).  Hold for a couple of seconds and then roll back to the tuck and repeat with the other leg scissored. (THF)
  3. One-legged Romanian deadlift – 10-reps:  Standing on one leg, extend the other leg behind you, bend forward at the waist and touch the floor.  Return to standing position and repeat.  Do all 10 reps with one leg and then repeat with the other leg. (YAYOG)
  4. Hip-up twist – 10 total reps per side:  Balance on one side with stacked feet, elbow bent and forearm on the floor.  Lift your hip up to the ceiling for two reps, then turn feet into pushup position and twist the free arm under your chest as far as it will go.  Stack feet again and repeat. (THF)
  5. One-legged squat jumps –  15-20 reps per side: From a lunge position, leap into the air as high as you can.  Land in the lunge position on the same leg and repeat.  Complete all reps for one leg and then do the same with the other leg. (YAYOG)
  6. Bridge burner – 10 reps:  Start in the what Tony calls the “banana” position, lying on your back, arms stretched over head.  Torso and legs elevated 15-30 degrees.  Pull yourself up into a yoga “boat” pose — torso and legs make a “V” — arms in front parallel to the floor.  Perform four mason twists in the boat post — twist and touch knuckles to floor on each side.  Return to banana position and repeat. (THF)
  7. Hip raiser – 10 reps:  Lay on back with legs bent.  Put hands down by sides and push up into a yoga “table” position, trying to create a straight line with your thighs and torso.  Hold for five seconds then lower and repeat.  (YAYOG)
  8. Downward dog crunches – four sets per leg, 24 crunches total:  Start in a yoga downward dog position — body in V facing the floor with arms and legs straight.  Lift left leg up and back and then bring it forward to touch your knee to your  right elbow, bring it back and up and then crunch forward to touch your knee to your forehead, bring it back a third time and then touch your knee to the left elbow.  Repeat with other leg. (THF)
  9. Burpees – 12 reps:  The classic maneuver.  From a standing position with legs together, crouch down and jump legs back to a pushup position.  Perform a pushup and then leap legs back to your hands.  From that position jump into the air.  Land back in the crouched, squat position and repeat.  (YAYOG)
  10. Teaser — 10 reps:  Tuck into a ball on your back with knees to chest and arms wrapped around legs.  In one motion, sweep arms up, out to the sides and then in front of you while raising up into the Yoga boat position. Hold for  few seconds and then repeat. (THF)

You’ll definitely want to watch Tony Horton’s video on YouTube to understand his core moves.

Go through the entire sequence twice for an awesome workout.  With the warmup, it took me 54 minutes to complete.